Has anyone looked at how the reactor (depending (no pun intended) on which 
DependencyResolver one uses) decides to order the processing of multiple 

What's the algorithm for how dependencies affect build order across multiple 
projects?  I don't think I'll be able to figure it out without reading the 
source code.

Here's one big difference -- the two DependencyResolvers order things 
completely differently:

Z:\Platform\platform>maven -
[snip ASCII art]
Starting the reactor...
Our processing order:
Platform kernel user component
Platform Weblogic 7 component
Platform Data Integration component
Platform Workflow component
Platform Webflow Component
Platform User Interface Services component
Platform kernel system component
Platform Web Services component

And here's the default resolver's ordering of the same project.xml files:

[snip ASCII art]
Starting the reactor...
Our processing order:
Platform Webflow Component
Platform Workflow component
Platform kernel system component
Platform kernel user component
Platform Weblogic 7 component
Platform User Interface Services component
Platform Data Integration component
Platform Web Services component

That's one thing -- more annoying is that changing the order in which 
dependencies are declared in the <dependencies> element affects the order in 
which the GraphDependencyResolver processes projects.

Can anyone shed some light on this?  What I'm looking for is the simple kind of 
declarative depends functionality provided in Ant as <target depends="target1, 
target2, target3">, except the dependency is between projects, not targets.  
Ideally I would specify the processing order, not Maven; Maven's not going to 
figure out the package dependency graph of my projects.

Scott Stirling
Framingham, MA

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