On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 09:28, Moretti, Luciano (MED) wrote:
> Hello-
> I'm wondering if I'm misreading the documentation on snapshot
> dependencies-
> I have the following in my project.xml file-
> <dependency>
>    <groupId>JXTA</groupId>
>    <artifactId>jxta</artifactId>
>    <version>SNAPSHOT</version>
> </dependency>
> To my understanding from reading the documentation this should pull the
> "Latest Version" from the repository.  I get the response though-
> WARNING: Failed to download jxta-SNAPSHOT.jar
> The build cannot continue because of the following unsatisfied
> dependency:
> jxta-SNAPSHOT.jar
> So it looks like it's trying to pull down a file named jxta-SNAPSHOT.jar
> instead of pulling down the latest version (jxta-2.1.jar)
> Am I doing something wrong? Can someone explain to me better how the
> snapshot functionality is supposed to work?

The latest snapshot, not the latest released version. A snapshot is
_not_ a released version. A snapshot is the closest thing to a build
with the latest sources. Specify the latest released version if that's
what you want.

> Luciano Moretti
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Jason van Zyl

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