I think your best bet it to postGoal dist:prepare-bin-filesystem and remove the parts of the binary release you don't want.

Steve Ovens wrote:


I'm Maven-ising my first project and have a hopefully simple question
concerning building distributions.

When I do a "maven dist:build" everything works fine and it successfully
produces a target/distributions/proj-1.1.0.zip file.

The problem I have is that the zip file contains not only the proj-1.1.0.jar
file and useful stuff like Javadocs - it also includes all of the other
Maven-generated reports, such as metrics, checkstyle, change-logs. These are
v. useful - and I want to generate them to publish to our internal team - I
just don't really want them included in the binary distribution which is
what would go to our customers.

After reading through the Maven docco, I was thinking of putting a <pregoal>
for the "dist:build-bin" goal, to de-register the reports I don't want - but
I'm guessing (without looking at the source code) that this won't do me any
good - because "dist:build-bin" doesn't actually create the reports - it
just copies them. So, de-registering reports probably won't make a jot of
difference to the output.

It seems I need some way to trigger a re-generation of a different (smaller)
set of reports before the dist:build-bin goal is executed, but I'm not sure
how to go about this, or even if I'm on the right track - maybe there is an
easier way...

Anyone got any ideas/tips they can share???

Thanks in advance,

Steve Ovens
Java Developer
Xmarc Asia-Pacific P/L

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