Ben Walding wrote:

I think your best bet it to postGoal dist:prepare-bin-filesystem and remove the parts of the binary release you don't want.

Of course, this will still leave items in your left hand navigation bar which will be undesirable.

There's no simple way of doing this. You could deregister the reports, hack the output location and regen the reports, but that is going to be 20 odd lines of jelly. And 20 lines of jelly is not something you want to be doing on Friday afternoon. In fact it's not something I ever want to be doing :)

Steve Ovens wrote:


I'm Maven-ising my first project and have a hopefully simple question
concerning building distributions.

When I do a "maven dist:build" everything works fine and it successfully
produces a target/distributions/ file.

The problem I have is that the zip file contains not only the proj-1.1.0.jar
file and useful stuff like Javadocs - it also includes all of the other
Maven-generated reports, such as metrics, checkstyle, change-logs. These are
v. useful - and I want to generate them to publish to our internal team - I
just don't really want them included in the binary distribution which is
what would go to our customers.

After reading through the Maven docco, I was thinking of putting a <pregoal>
for the "dist:build-bin" goal, to de-register the reports I don't want - but
I'm guessing (without looking at the source code) that this won't do me any
good - because "dist:build-bin" doesn't actually create the reports - it
just copies them. So, de-registering reports probably won't make a jot of
difference to the output.

It seems I need some way to trigger a re-generation of a different (smaller)
set of reports before the dist:build-bin goal is executed, but I'm not sure
how to go about this, or even if I'm on the right track - maybe there is an
easier way...

Anyone got any ideas/tips they can share???

Thanks in advance,

Steve Ovens
Java Developer
Xmarc Asia-Pacific P/L

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