Oh, and one more thing, you will need to run it from the command line for
the first time to cache the server cert.
AND , if you are on an NT network (!!!)  the netbios name is not the same
as fully qualified host (!!!)
lon011141 is not the same as lon011141.net.intra



Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To:    users


Subject:    RE: ssh or scp on windows

For putty,

maven.scp.executable = pscp
maven.ssh.executable = plink


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 26/06/2003 18:56

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To:    users


Subject:    RE: ssh or scp on windows

Thanks Gabriel,
I actually am running putty on my PC, but when I try to run the following
maven goal, putty pops up an error message "Invalid Port Number".  I wasn't
sure if putty could be used from the command line, and that is why I was
asking about other ssh clients.  If putty can do this, that'd be great!

maven repository:copy-artifact -Dartifact=common -DgroupId=com.bpc.bcs
-Dtype=jar -Dmaven.ssh.executable=c:\install\putty\putty.exe
-Dmaven.repo.central= -Dmaven.repo.central.directory=/jboss
/deploy/maven.war -Dmaven.username=ryans

can putty be used from the commandline with the repository goal?

-----Original Message-----
From: Gabriel Bauman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 12:29 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: ssh or scp on windows

Hi Ryan!

> I've noticed that the repository plugin does not support filesystem
> deployments.  In order to deploy to the remote repository, ssh or scp is
> required.  where can a decent ssh or scp client for windows be found??

Try Putty et al: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/

The full package comes with plink (a win32 commandline ssh client), pscp
(win32 commandline scp client), Pageant (a gui key agent), and putty, a
nice windowed ssh client. Get the development snapshot, it's quite stable.


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