Pay particular attention to the version of SSH (1 or 2).

By default I create both an SSH1 and SSH2 key and get pageant to load both
automatically at startup. I have not had an ssh problem with SSH servers on
win/solaris/linux ever since...


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 26/06/2003 21:18

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To:    users


Subject:    RE: ssh or scp on windows

Thank you all for your responses.
I was able to use pageant to generate public and private keys, and I think
have the public key correctly on the server.  I am getting an error
currently from plink "Server refused our public key.", but I'll have to
check with our linux admin to see that I have the authorized_keys setup
correctly for ssh that we're running.

Thanks again!!

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 1:52 PM
Subject: RE: ssh or scp on windows

You have to modify the current maven plugins to pass in a password.

Instead, use Pageant - the Putty Agent to load and cache your certificate
(so you do it once at startup)
Plink etc then interrogate the agent at startup - so you dont have to enter
the cert password each time


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 26/06/2003 19:27

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To:    users


Subject:    RE: ssh or scp on windows

Thank you both for your help.  does this only apply to anonymous accounts?
Is there any way to pass a password into the connection?  How would this be


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