On Sun, 2003-07-13 at 14:43, Mark R. Diggory wrote:
> Thanks Gilles,
> Its good to know that this is configurable, I'm working on another 
> project where we're trying to get Maven working but cannot yet 
> restructure the cvs to meet "assumed Maven best practices" without 
> breaking the old build.
> I'd caution on the use of default settings as a "rule" for what Maven 
> encourages/discourages. Developers are always going to have varying 
> requirements. 

That will always be true but why do we as developers demand consistent
APIs for everything we use and then ignore this rule when constructing
build systems? What is good about having N different ways a build system
works? And if you disagree you have plenty of tools to choose from.

> Forcing them into a box will only reduce your user base in 
> the long run. 

Much to my dismay this has not been the case. And the target for me has
always been newer users because anyone with an existing build has always
tried to demand to have their way incorporated as an option in Maven. It
has always been the intent to strive for consistency and coherence,
sometimes at the cost of other things. That was a conscious decision.

> The current defaults are great if your starting a new 
> project, they are far from adequate when attempting to "Mavenize" an 
> existing project. 

There has never been an attempt to accommodate the myriad ways of doing
things. Maven is not Ant. 

> The Maven team should avoid using "defaults" as some 
> sort of inflexible "standard".

The whole point of Maven is to provide some uniformity and coherence
from the ground up. Lots of people don't like the way Maven works and
that's perfectly fine.

> -- 
> jvz.
> Jason van Zyl
> http://tambora.zenplex.org
> In short, man creates for himself a new religion of a rational
> and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.
>   -- Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society

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