I've started some work on installing 'old/non-downloadable' jars into the local repo:

I'm not attempting to tackle the other side of what you're describing - converting the old project to maven.

Since our way of working is to use our build servers local repo as our remote repo, and this is for non-redistributable jars, I havent put any thought into deploying this stuff to the remote server.

It wouldn't be easy to do nicely, deploy sets a higher bar than install as we'd really like project.xmls for things that deploy to ibiblio (for example)


Moritz Petersen wrote:

I just started a Cocoon based project and realized that the Cocoon 2.0.4 project is still not mavenized.
In this e-mail I describe how I mavenized cocoon. I would like to hear some suggestions and comments about my procedure.

First I realized that Cocoon 2.0.4 contains about 57 libraries (not all are necessary for my project, but to get Cocoon running with Maven, I decided to include all dependencies. Writing all the dependencies into the project.xml is a pain. So I wrote a small application, that creates all dependencies in project.xml and copies the .jar files from the WEB-INF/lib/ folder into the local maven repository.

What do you guys think? Is this the right way, or is there any better way?
I want to create a Maven plugin to convert any old-fashioned project (with an individual lib/ folder) into a mavenized project. Does anyone else see any use for that?
And finally what do you think about the strategy, copying the files into the local repository. This is difficult for team development. I think about automatically creating an archive (zip, jar or tar) that contains all the dependencies, ready for copying to the remote repository. Is that useful?


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