On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 13:21, David Liles wrote:
> I've been tasked with developing a build process and want to use Maven
> for numerous reasons. One of the primary requirements is to devise an
> automated versioning process that will append an updated version to
> each of the project jar files as they are generated.
> Then, when the master build is executed, in the depencencies it should
> default to the most recent versions unless it is manually over-riden
> by a property file.
> My initial thought was to use some type of date formate, such as
> "abc-07162003.jar" because our builds occur daily. But incase the
> decision is to version such as "abc-1.0.1.jar" I'm not sure how
> feasible this will be.....
> Any suggestions from the gurus?

It sounds as though snapshot dependencies do pretty much exactly what
you want. If you do 'maven jar:install-snapshot' it will create a
timestamped build of the project (e.g. foo-20030717.153812.jar) and
install it in the local repository. Other projects can then use
<version>SNAPSHOT</version> in their dependencies to track the latest
installed version of a project.


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