In trying to learn Maven, I'm converting from a current Ant build. At
one point I need to run a server in the background, but I can't figure
out how to do it. Our Ant test target has lines roughly like this:

    <antcall target="start_test_server"/>
      <sleep seconds="10"/>
      <antcall target="run_server_tests"/>
      <antcall target="stop_test_server"/>

I was thinking the start and stop server targets would be test:test
preGoal and postGoals, respectively, and the run server target (which
uses JUnit) would be handled by test:test.

My problem is the test server must run in the background so the
test:test preGoal can finish, but I don't know how do make it so. I've
looked at the cactus plugin, but that seems to be geared towards
appservers like Tomcat. Ours is a SOAP server using GLUE.

Could anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.



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