It's kind of messy, but could you setup a maven directory structure on where all the jar directories are actually symbolic
links to your top-level jars directory?

On 01 Aug 2003, at 11:32:25 [GMT -0700] Mike Dougherty wrote:

> On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 11:20, Jason van Zyl wrote: 

>> On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 12:45, Mike Dougherty wrote:
>> > I am trying to get my dependencies setup in my project file. However,
>> > I can't seem to figure out how to tell Maven to NOT insert
>> > "<groupID>/jars" into the path. Looking at the error below what I want
>> > is for the "mars_taglib.jar" file to be downloaded from
>> > ""; and placed in
>> > "lib/mars_taglib.jar". Is this possible? If so how?
>> You don't you put it where Maven expects it. The user guide clearly
>> explains where to put the JARs.

> Because we have a structure in place which we have been using for 4+
> years since this project's inception and 30+ developers that don't take
> kindly to change. The structure will remain as it is. If Maven's
> dependency checking can't be adapted to fit our project then we will not
> be able to use this feature of Maven.

> So if I can't actually use the dependency download feature I would still
> like to use to documentation portion. Is there a way I can have the
> goal/build continue even if the file wasn't able to be downloaded or
> wasn't on disk?

> Thanks for your help,
> Mike

MDB Consulting, LLC

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