
Here a maven.xml I made quickly for weblogic 8.1, the goals are :

Generate EJB with ejbgen
Gererate Stubs with weblogic.appc
Generate WebServices with weblogic.servicegen
Generate WWebServices web client with weblogic.clientgen
Deploy all on weblogic 8.1

This script isn't VERY CLEAN but it a "bon debut" ... perhaps you can use it for 
making yours (or a weblogic 8.1 plugin) and share your work ;).

I attach you four files:

- maven.xml
- project.properties
- eb.cmd > to set the environement variables before deploying.
- gaia.properties

Hope this helps you...

[------  En réponse à  Jean-François El Fouly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:  ------]
>>A 08:39 09/09/2003 +0800, vous avez écrit :
>>>Does anyone have a weblogic plugin for weblogic 8.1? 
>>The weblogic tasks 
>>>I'm looking for are things like the ejbgen tasks and jsp
>>/ ejb validation 
>>>and compilation?
>>There have been several proposals to contribute plugins
>>for different 
>>versions of WebLogic... Most of the time they have been
>>ignored, I guess 
>>because of incompatible licences: these plugins obviously
>>need weblogic.jar 
>>in one place or another.
>>I've developed a very good plugin for WLS 6.1 with a team
>>of another 
>>corporate development team (at AGF Asset Management).
>>Someone else developed a plugin for WLS 7.0; I had a look
>>at it, and I must 
>>say it performs rather different operations. I guess a
>>realistic future for 
>>these plugins would be to contribute them all to the
>>maven-plugins project 
>>hosted at sourceforge; have different plugins for the
>>different WLS 
>>versions and try to merge / harmonize / match their
>>Hope this helps you...
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