Steve Garcia wrote:

Will the book provide documentation in addition to (hopefully) the 1.0 final
documentation that will get updated at  Or will the book
contain a substantial amount of documentation that cannot be found on the

I myself would like to see a complete Maven documentation effort be released
on the maven website, much like Ant's documentation is all on the website.
I'm not sure spending between $30 and $40 for the Maven book for
documentation would be something that the masses want.

Are you volunteering to write that documetation ? If not your aren't speaking for the masses, just yourself.
I feel very luck that publishing companies are willing to write books on Maven.
$30-$40 dollars is a very very small price to pay for a good book !
And the software is thrown in for free. !!!

Complete documentation, with the general specificity that Ant provides,
would be sufficient for me, and I probably speak for the majority of Maven

Would the book target the Maven 1.0 release? Or the Maven 2.0 release? (or
the Maven-New 1.0 release?)

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