On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 16:03, Steve Garcia wrote:
> Will the book provide documentation in addition to (hopefully) the 1.0 final
> documentation that will get updated at maven.apache.org?  Or will the book
> contain a substantial amount of documentation that cannot be found on the
> web?

It will more than likely be information that can't be found on the web.
I would like to release an electronic copy of the book for free but I
don't think I'll be able to swing that.

> I myself would like to see a complete Maven documentation effort be released
> on the maven website, much like Ant's documentation is all on the website.

Publishers are not really into giving away the content of books they
intend to sell. I think it could work in their favour much like it did
for Bruce Eckel's books but the decision is not ultimately up to me. I
can only ask that an electronic copy be put on the web at no cost.

> I'm not sure spending between $30 and $40 for the Maven book for
> documentation would be something that the masses want.  

That why publishers try to do a little market research. The book won't
be printed unless they can expect to sell a reasonable number of copies,
say 10k copies.

> Complete documentation, with the general specificity that Ant provides,
> would be sufficient for me, and I probably speak for the majority of Maven
> users.  
> Would the book target the Maven 1.0 release?  Or the Maven 2.0 release?  (or
> the Maven-New 1.0 release?)

I'm shooting for the new version and you have to remember it can take
quite a bit of time to write a book. Even with two people.


Jason van Zyl

In short, man creates for himself a new religion of a rational
and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.
  -- Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society

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