At 21:16 +0100 10/6/03, Andy Jefferson spoke thusly:

I suppose I was confused then. Am I correct and understanding that there is no relationship between <id> and the other two <groupId>/<artifactId>?

On Monday 06 Oct 2003 21:08, Dolf Starreveld wrote:
 I'm using multiproject plugin in a situation with one paren project
 aggregating documentation for several sub projects.
 It appears that the #foreach ($reactorProject) loop in navigation.xml
 does not list my sub projects if they do not have an <id> tag in
 their projct.xml (although they do have a groupId and artifactId tag.
 I thought <id> was no longer needed?

Are you confusing 2 different things here ?

Dependencies do not need <id> now ... they use groupId, artifactId.

The project itself has <id> to identify itself and is AFAIK essential since
multiproject and the like use it to reference the projects.


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