
It probably boils down to either not having the necessary file
('foo.xml') in the Junit classpath or a config problem.
The not-in-classpath problem can be taken care of by specifying the
resource dependency in the 'unitTest' section of the project.xml like

                        <!-- The 'txt' and 'xml' files are control files
                             for some of the test scenarios.

This will instruct Maven to take care of copying all '*.txt' and '*.xml'
files from the '${basedir}/src/test' into the 'classes-test' folder and
thus in your Junit classpath.

The file should then be found using the 'getSystemResourceAsStream()'
method (since it reads from the classpath).

The second possibility is configuration. I also had some problems
locating files in Junit tests because of forking issues. If the above
does not help, try creating a 'project.properties' file next to your
'project.xml' file and include this:

        # Forked JUnit because of some problems involving classloading
of resources in test scenarios.

Hope this helps.

"Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what
they sought."

Lennart Martens
public key (http://genesis.ugent.be/lmPGPkey)
Dept. Medical Protein Research (VIB09)
Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Ghent University
Rommelaere Institute - Building D
A. Baertsoenkaai 3
B-9000 Ghent
Tel.:+32-(0)9 264 93 59
Fax: +32-(0)9 264 94 84

-----Original Message-----
From: Ciaran Treanor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: vrijdag 5 december 2003 9:08
To: Maven Users List
Subject: JUnit and getResourceAsStream

I've got a unit test that needs to read a data file, i.e. InputStream in
= getClass().getResourceAsStream("foo.xml");

Within Eclipse the file is found, however when running the
test from within Maven the resource is not found (i.e. in is null).

Any ideas?


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