On Tue, 2003-12-23 at 17:38, Steve Garcia wrote:
> Yea there are advantages and disadvantages either way.  A big advantage of
> keeping the existing repository is when I see jar packages I'm not familiar
> with, there is a better change I'll look into them out of curiosity.  I've
> learned more about third-party tools since I've started using Maven on the
> majority of my projects.  :)  That is really a good thing.
> At the same time a DNS layout is also beneficial for better layout
> scenarios.  We have so many projects at my work that the groupId/artifactId
> is not an excellent approach, but we will make do with it.  
> I agree with you that both ways have their advantages and disadvantages -
> and with the new Maven-Wagon my understanding is that both ways will be
> supported.  :)

Wagon can indeed support any layout but this is for general purpose use
outside Maven. We will focus on one particular layout within Maven but
this is really for Maven's use. For humans to find things it will
eventually come to pass that we have a small application that indexes
the POMs and provides many ways to find a particular artifact. The one
layout as used by Maven internally doesn't mean we can't use the
information in the POM to provide other ways to find an artifact.


Jason van Zyl

In short, man creates for himself a new religion of a rational
and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.
  -- Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society

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