"Hahne, Ronald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 02/01/2004 
01:33:32 AM:

> What do you mean add your projects and reactor?
> I have a top level minimal project.xml, then have my projects in
> suboridinate directories each with a project.xml. I have verified the
> calling java:compile and jar:install work in all sub-priojects. Then at 
> top I call maven multiproject:install. It is not complaining about not 
> able to download any plugins.
> I have set in project.properties the following:
> tionHandler/project.xml,keyUtility/project.xml
> When it does a multiproject:install it performs it in the right order. 
> Strange that I only see output from maven about compiling and test only
> about the first sub-project. However all the jars are created and 
Which version of Maven are you using?

> But on a multiprojectclean it should do it in reverse order, but 
multiproject:clean will operate in the same order as multiproject:install. 
Is there some problem with that?

> I have not seen any directed graph
It's built internally and used to work out which order to run the builds.

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
Blog:      http://blogs.codehaus.org/people/dion/

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