I have a question about the mantra that a single project should produce a single 
artifact.  I can buy into that in every case I have run across or have thought about, 
except for projects involving ejb creation.  Typically an ejb project will produce 
both an ejb-jar file as well as a client-jar file.  But wouldn't that be two artifacts?

I have read a lot of external docs on setting up j2ee projects using maven, most of 
which suggest a multi project layout.  I can totally justify that for say a j2ee 
project producing an ear made up of sub ejb-jars and wars.  But in the case of a 
stand-alone ejb-jar producing project or an ejb-jar producing subproject of an ear 
project it seems like overkill to define a subproject for the ejb-jar generation and 
the client-jar generation, especially when both are  ultimately logically tied to the 
attainment of an ejb goal.

Could someone help me out in my understanding here?


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