Novel Idea,

I think Ant might be a lighter starting point. In fact you could do something like the ant-plugin to generate an ant "build.xml" that starts the whole process.

If the user has ant installed, they can just run your script, otherwise, you could package it with just enough of the ant classes that it would be light and simple to execute from within a jar file.

%jar foo-start.jar


Christian Andersson wrote:

Hi there, I think I have a new idea on how to use maven, not just as a
build system.

anyway, what I thought of is the following.

I want to use some sort of minimalistic version of maven to start my
applications, this way I do not have to distribute any of my jar files,
or any of the external jar files, and I can also get a version controled
handling of the execution.

what would be needed to use this.
    remove all the build stuff
    add information on which class to run and if it should be

    includes no plugins and only 2 goals
    start to start the applikation (if the application is threaded
        maven will exist after "start" but the application still
    stop to stop the application (if it was started threaded)

If I have maven-starter locally installed all I would need was to
download the project.xml file and type maven start
this would then download everything that was needed (if not previously
downloaded) and start the applikation.

In a sence it is sort of a webstart system, but the jar files does not
have to be on the same server, nor signed, etc...

we could ofcourse demand some security in this so that jar files hae to
be signed, etc and that users have to agree to the signature (much like

but I think this could be better then webstart, since this could also
work with server applications...

anyway it is just an idea!


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