
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ext John Casey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Could you create four sub-projects, each with its own source 
> directory,

Of course that would be possible. I just hesitate to do that just because of a single 
file. Or is my perception of what a project is wrong? 

> then only put the ejb-jar.xml file for each in its respective
> sourcedir...then, you could have a <preGoal> or something to add the
> base [real] EJB sources to the maven.compile.src.set?

This would be an option. However, I would have to set a property, from where the 
pregoal should take the files, so it would only make a difference, if the pregoal is 
executed in the pom context, and not in the plugin context. is that the case?

> I'm only guessing, because I can't even imagine a reason why 
> I'd have to
> do something like that. For my part, the silence you've been dealing
> with looks like a collective *shrug*...

That could be a reason, so let me explain, what the use-case for that request is. 

Assume that you have a bunch classes, that make up some EJBs. 

(1) From the same sources, two different kind of enterprise java beans can be 
deployed. Of course it would be possible to pull out the sources, create utility jar 
from it and use it in the ejb project. The reason, why I did not do that so far is, 
that I thought that too much overhead, to create different projects in different 
directories, which are basically empty.
(2) The EAR file, which will contain this ejb-jar, should be deployable on more than 
one application server. That also means that not only there are application server 
dependant deployment descriptors, but also that the ejb-jar.xml is different for each 
app server. In this case the environment entries in the ejb-jar.xml are different.
(3)In a larger project we agreed on a directory structure for our subprojects, and 
that contains one directory and project for each EJB. This is also a reason why I try 
to stick to the directory structure if possible, especially since the number of needed 
projects is growing by 2 (maybe 3 in the future) for every supported app server.

Additionally I thought that it is natural, to have something like this, which would 
set the property "maven.ejb.src" to the value "xyz"

      <m:reactor basedir="${basedir}"
                <set name="maven.ejb.src" value="xyz">

If it is not possible to set properties in the plugin context from maven, that I am 
willing to change the project structure and break up the directories into one for each 
type and app server, but if it is possible, I would like to know how that can be 

> -----Original Message-----

> Why can't you simply post process the ejb jar generated by Maven four 
> times each with a new descriptor?

Here, the same comment applies as to John's suggestion to copy the xml files to a 
fixed destination in a pregoal. This pregoal has to be configured dynamically as well 
(since the code is fixed for the type of the goal, isn't it?) and I don't know if that 
is possible.


I hope you got a better understanding of the problem now. Thanks for listening,

_ __ _ _
   Andreas Ebbert
 Software Design Engineer - Nokia Networks OSS 
 phone: +49-177-9413928, fax: +49-211-94123988 
 Heltorfer Strae 1, 40472 D sseldorf, Germany 

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