You may have to walk through the directories doing a

dir /x

"C:\Documents and Settings" will look like: C:\DOCUME~1

I develop on a windows box now and the, I just avoid directories with spaces. It confuses the tokenizers.

Bertil Karlsson wrote:

Is there a way around the problem that the javadoc plugin produces, if the filepath of sources
contains whitespace?

I have a developer in my project that has his project under 'C:\Documents and Settings\...' and this
seems to upset the javadoc tool. I have browsed the FAQ and archives for the javadoc plugin
and also tried to STFW for this problem with no luck!

Greatful for any leads in this matter. I have tried to change the javadoc jelly code to try to
surround the files with "...", but have not been successfull yet.



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