javadoc is a pain to use, I'm convinced it was written by C++ programmers ;-)
I'm not sure that maven itself is too troubled by spaces, it's javadoc.

Peter Bright wrote:

Then the tokenizers are broken.  Any tokenizer manipulating paths should
split on the system separators (for directories and paths, e.g. \ and ; for
Win32, / and : for *nix), not on spaces.  It'd probably be a significant
breaking change to maven to make it use these separators throughout (at the
moment space separation is used in lots of places) but it IMNSHO needs

Consider in particular that one can readily have a space-containing filename
with no short equivalent (short filename generation is an optional feature
of NTFS and AFAIK not at all possible on any *nix).

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hagel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 01 April 2004 16:11
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Whitespace in filepath's when using javadoc plugin

You may have to walk through the directories doing a

dir /x

"C:\Documents and Settings" will look like: C:\DOCUME~1

I develop on a windows box now and the, I just avoid directories with spaces. It confuses the tokenizers.

Bertil Karlsson wrote:

Is there a way around the problem that the javadoc plugin

produces, if

the filepath of sources
contains whitespace?

I have a developer in my project that has his project under 'C:\Documents and Settings\...' and this
seems to upset the javadoc tool. I have browsed the FAQ and


for the javadoc plugin
and also tried to STFW for this problem with no luck!

Greatful for any leads in this matter. I have tried to change the javadoc jelly code to try to
surround the files with "...", but have not been successfull yet.




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