Hi all,

We 've got an application (http://simplegamenet.sf.net) currently with
- framework (f)
- chess (c) depends on framework
- connectaline depends on framework
- dice depends on framework

Currently frameworks contains the ONLY Main-Class.
Currently it builds (with maven.xml):
framework.jar -> should be booted

The games are dynamically loaded by the framework with ClassLoaders at
This is done with some bruto force way of getting framework.jar's context.
This behaviour can be altered, but they need to be able to drop jars into
the games directory and load them if the apps boots up.

My purpose is to get a .zip on SF containing the previously mentioned
directory structure
On another non-multirproject I ran maven release:build-distribution-bin and
it worked perfectly.


1) What's the best way of loading those jars from the games directory?
2) On which module do I call release:build-distribution-bin?
3) Should I split up framework into framework-interfaces (indepened) and
booting (dependend on all)?
4) What questions should I be asking myself?

Thanks for any and all help,

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