What version of Ant has this tag? We only use 1.5.3-1.

- Brett

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cassio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, 4 May 2004 3:50 AM
> Subject: POSSIBLE BUG: Can't run a SPECIFIC ant tag inside maven
> Hi all,
> Maven can't run replacetoken tag... Maven, Jelly or Werkz 
> seams to delete the content inside replacetoken tag before 
> ant is executed by maven... <replace file="teste.txt">
>    <replacetoken>123</replacetoken>
>    <replacevalue>12345</replacevalue>
> </replace>
> With this example String "123" is deleted and ant (executed 
> by maven) can't run because "The token attribute must not be 
> an empty string."
> Is this a Maven problem, Jelly problem or Werkz problem?
> I need some guidings to continue searching the source of this 
> problem...
> Thanks,
> Cassio M. Nosshe
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