> You mustn't give your password
scm|cvs|ntserver|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|d:\cvs_repository\dir1|module
> you must be logged and your password must be stored
> in your .cvspass file
> http://maven.apache.org/reference/plugins/changelog/
> Arnaud

Thank you for your help.
I generated .cvspass file using:
maven -Dpassword=YYYYYYY changelog:create-cvspass

Maven placed it in user.home. Now when I try to
connect to cvs I get another error. It seems that cvs
client uses empty password. I found similar problem on
mailing list, but I haven't found a solution.

[cvs] Using cvs passfile:
[cvs] cvs checkout: Empty password used - try 'cvs
login' with a real password
[cvs] cvs [checkout aborted]: authorization failed:
server host rejected access to d:/cvs_repository/dir1
for user username

Element... ant:cvs
Line...... 227
Column.... 9
cvs exited with error code 1
Command line was [Executing 'cvs' with arguments:
'-d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:d:\cvs_repository\dir'

The ' characters around the executable and arguments
are not part of the command.

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