One of the tenets of Maven is to create one artifact for each module. 
Combining your source in the same directory tree violates that tenet. 
I'm sure you can probably force Maven to do it, but it won't like it. 
When you specify the <modules> you are essentially telling Maven to look
for pom.xml files in those sub-directories.

It's possible that using "mvn compile" could be part of your problem. 
When you only run the "compile" goal, you don't get to the "package"
goal, which is when the jar file would be created.

Nicholas Tung wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 9:47 PM, David C. Hicks <> wrote:
>> It's hard to say from your description, but it sounds like you need to
>> do some serious restructuring of your project.  Here's what I think you
>> need to have:
>> base-of-project/
>>    pom.xml
>>    myproj-plugin/
>>        pom.xml
>>        src/main/scala code goes here
>>    myproj-base/
>>        pom.xml
>>        src/main/other code goes here
> This unnecessarily separates java code in myproj-base from myproj-plugin,
> but sure.
>> The pom.xml in the base directory would have your <modules> section and
>> look like this:
>>    <modules>
>>        <module>myproj-plugin</module>
>>        <module>myproj-base</module>
>>    </modules>
> I'm using this exactly [1]
>> This is where the pom.xml files in each sub-directory come into play.
>> The pom.xml in myproj-base would list "myproj-plugin" as a dependency.
>> You assign the groupId, artifactId, and version to myproj-plugin in the
>> top of its pom.xml.  Then you can reference that artifact just like you
>> would any other artifact.  The difference is that Maven knows to find it
>> inside the reactor during the build.
> I'm already doing this as well [2]; thanks anyway though.
> It is far better to bend your expectations to the way that Maven wants
>> to work than to try to force it into submitting to the way YOU want to
>> do things.  Just learn new habits and you will be far happier letting
>> Maven do all the neat things it does for you for free.
> I'm very willing to restructure the project (i.e. move actual locations of
> source files around). However, I don't see any advantage if Maven won't do
> things differently. Will it actually build the jar for one project when I
> type mvn compile? I am specifying one project as the dependency of another
> using the standard group-artifact-version tags [3].
> Maven is already correctly building (mvn compile) myproj-plugin before
> myproj-base. However, it isn't packaging it as a jar for the Maven Scala
> plugin.
> Thanks so much,
> Nicholas
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

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