On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 10:47 PM, Nicholas Tung <gatoatigr...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 10:21 PM, David C. Hicks <dhi...@i-hicks.org>wrote:
>> One of the tenets of Maven is to create one artifact for each module.
>> Combining your source in the same directory tree violates that tenet.
>> I'm sure you can probably force Maven to do it, but it won't like it.
>> When you specify the <modules> you are essentially telling Maven to look
>> for pom.xml files in those sub-directories.
> Right... I moved the plugin code to its own subdirectory [1], but no
> difference (I agree it's cleaner though).
> It's possible that using "mvn compile" could be part of your problem.
>> When you only run the "compile" goal, you don't get to the "package"
>> goal, which is when the jar file would be created.
> I tried "package", and only "install" seems to have the correct effect of
> building the jar file. I suppose it's probably not going to hurt to install
> versus package... it just seems weird.
> After I do that, I get some "NoSuchElementException" from scala, but I'm
> guessing that's the scala maven plugin's fault. The jar appears to be
> correct.

yeah, I'm pretty sure it's maven-scala's fault [1]. unfortunately I can't
build 2.12 from github due to some dependency problems.

The original problem of "execute `mvn package` for one module to compile
another" would be interesting to solve, but I think the above is a more
critical issue...

Thanks for your help,

version 2.10 gives

version 2.11 gives

the correct version should be

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