Please see configurations used in archetype-metadata.xml in :

When  additional properties are defined that must be valued before the file
generation. The additional properties can be provided with default values,
which enable not to ask the user for there values.

So here the value for context-root will not be asked since a default value
is provided ..

Saritha SV

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 12:06 PM, Xenofon Papadopoulos <>wrote:

> Hello, I'm using trying to create an archetype, and I want to use some
> properties. However <defaultValue> doesn't reference the included property
> if it's already define, as I thought would be the norm. Here's an example:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <archetype-descriptor name="basic">
>  <fileSets>
>        [...]
>  </fileSets>
>  <requiredProperties>
>    <requiredProperty key="earname"/>
>    <requiredProperty key="context-root">
>      <defaultValue>${earname}</defaultValue>
>    </requiredProperty>
>  </requiredProperties>
> </archetype-descriptor>
> When I generate this project, I am asked for earname, but never for
> context-root, and inside my project files ${context-root} will explode to
> the ${earname} literal.
> Any ideas?

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