It is happening during a multi-module build, but it also occurs when I run that 
individual project in isolation. How would I give you the listing of other 
plugins being used (beyond maven-ant-run I am using just the default java 
project plugin maven-compiler-plugin)

I am additionally using the ant-contrib 1.0b3 library included as a dependency 
in the maven-ant-run plugin (along with some other application specific 
dependencies not directly ANT related).

Here's the full pom.xml plugin definition (inside a "liquibase-diff" profile):
                                <echo>PERFORMING LIQUIBASE FUNCTIONS</echo>
                                <property name="compile_classpath"
                                    refid="maven.compile.classpath" />
                                <property name="runtime_classpath"
                                    refid="maven.runtime.classpath" />
                                <property name="test_classpath"
                                    refid="maven.test.classpath" />
                                <property name="plugin_classpath"
                                    refid="maven.plugin.classpath" />
                                <property name="project_classpath"
                                <property name="liquibaseDir"
value="${basedir}/src/main/resources/changelogs/mysql/complete" />
                                <property name="changeLogFile"
value="${liquibaseDir}/liquibase.changelog.xml" />
                                <property name="outputFile"
value="${liquibaseDir}/liquibase-update.sql" />
                                <ant antfile="liquibase-build.xml">
                                    <target name="diffDatabaseToChangeLog" />
-----Original Message-----
From: news [] On Behalf Of Jörg Schaible
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: maven-ant-run plugin 1.3 error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:

Hi Doug,

Doug Daniels wrote:

> I'm building a maven project that uses the maven-ant-run plugin and I'm
> getting an error about a missing method from Ant.

Does this happen in a multi-project build or when you try to build the
project directly? Which other plugins did run before the install phase?

- Jörg

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