Yes, you could use the "import" scope at the top level to import dependency
management defined in another pom (which could be the ones in D).


On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 15:42, David Hoffer <> wrote:

> We have a large maven project where each component (or group of artifacts)
> each uses dependencyManagement to control what versions are used and to
> specify exclusions, etc.  At an individual component level this works well.
> You can think of our project as being lots of new maven/components (A, B,
> C)
> that act as a facade around a legacy component D is at the bottom of
> the dependency graph.
> However we really need D's dependency management to be at the top level
> too.  That is, lots of changes happen at the legacy component D and we
> don't
> want to have to manually track dependency changes there and copy to the top
> level.
> Is there a way in maven to say, at the top-level, use D's dependencies for
> me too?  If not, how hard would it be to write a plugin that does this?

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