Short answer: Don't

Long answer: for a mojo to extend another maven plugin, it will need
to depend on that maven plugin.  The maven plugin classloader only
loads a plugin once, and the first version loaded is the version used
forever more (until maven exits).  When a newer version of the plugin
you depend on is released, you will either force the older version on
anyone using your plugin, or the newer version will be forced on you.
In either case, the build will probably be broken in a hard to figure
out way


2009/11/11 Gajo Csaba <>:
> Hello,
> I would like to create a maven plugin, which would delegate to other plugins
> based on parameters. Something like mvn mymojo:dotask -Dtask=<xxx>
> and then in the "dotask" mojo I would see what the value of task is, and if
> it's xxx then execute Mojo1, if it's yyy then Mojo2 etc...
> How can I do this?
> Thanks, Csaba
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