
On page:
there is a remark at the bottom to control the branch and current versions
with a command:

mvn --batch-mode release:branch -DbranchName=my-branch-1.2
-Dproject.rel.org.myCompany:projectA=1.2 \

-Dproject.dev.org.myCompany:projectA=2.0-SNAPSHOT seems to have a mandatory
part "project.dev." then the artifact groupID: "org.myCompany" and then the
artifact id: "projectA"
I'm trying to use this command for may case but simply creates the branch
and increments the work version by 1 and leaves untouched the branch

What I'm trying to accomplish is to set manually the working version by
incrementing the y part of the x.y.z-SNAPSHOT version format and to leave
unchanged the branch version.

Any idea how should I use the plugin?


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