> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jörg Schaible [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 10:03 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: RE: XML entities and forward compatibility
> Maczka Michal wrote on Wednesday, June 09, 2004 9:33 AM:
> > Because
> > 
> > a) How would you deploy POMs which contains external XML
> > entities to say ibiblio? The same problems - diffused files -
> >     may  affect continuous integration tools - more files more
> > problems to deal with 
> This is not a problem of the entities!!! I already stated 
> that some time ago. Look at M1 multiprojects. The deployed 
> pom's of their subprojects are useless also! If you would 
> extract the resolved POM from memory and deploy that ... you 
> would solve the real problem.

I am not sure if I know what you mean but in m2 parent POM will be
referenced differently 
(not by the way of giving path to it) and reactor will be built-in into
Also raw model is well separated from inherited and interpolated values.

> > b) XML representation of POM is not the only available and I
> > hope we will be using mini databases for keeping them
> >    as this will enable faster processing. XML entities hve
> > really no meaning for databases and they are not so friendly
> >    for futute tools like visual POM editor.
> And how would you deploy a POM contained in a DB? Same as (a)


> c) (most important) They won't be needed
> That's my use case for M2. Currently with M1 I have several 
> Multiproject that have a dependency on each other. With 
> company wide entity definitions I manage even inter-project 
> dependencies and their versions. This means there is e.g. 
> only one xstream version that is used company wide, although 
> a multiproject may overwrite this version-entity for its 
> subprojects. This ensures largely, that all unit tests for 
> all subprojects in all multiprojects that have to work 
> together use (normally) the same versions and I will not be 
> bitten by incompatible versions in the dependencies running 
> my app in the test (or live) env although all unit test were 
> originally working (but only with their project's specific 
> version). SUch a mechanism I would like to achive also with M2.

There are few things which will be vanished by transitive dependencies:
Now all project which were using xstream or whcih were using libraries which
we using xstream have to declare a dependency on xstream.
With transitive dependencies in place the number of POMs which have to do
this will be greatly limited.
This will already make maintenance a lot easier.

Secondly we hope to have some tools which will help you manage your POMs.
Say you will be able to group projects and with GUI tool update the version
of the given dependency in all those projects.
Or imagine ci system doing that for you when new, fully backward compatible
version of xstream is released. 

And there are some other cool things coming 
E.g. you will be able to use your own types of dependencies and artifact
handlers for creating artifacts from them.
If someone will wish he might be even able to write artifact handler which
will read other 
POMs or even use web services. I doubt if such complex things will be ever
needed  but that is something which will possible.


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