Yes, I know; that would not be a limitation for me, therefore is not
something I would spend time on. But if you feel we should have it,
maybe it is a piece you can take care of. How does it sound to you?

BTW, as you will see the current implementation is straightforward.

On a different topic, wrt implementation, I was thinking of using the
standard maven directory src/main/scripts as root for the directory
scanner, so that we do not really have to specify a base directory and
we can use includes and excludes to evaluate a subset of the files.
What do you think? If this is ok for you, do you know which directory
scanner shall we use?


On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 9:06 AM, Siegfried Goeschl
<> wrote:
> Hi Stefano,
> in that case you would tie the latest incarnation of the
> script-maven-plugin to the JDK 1.6 ... :-)
> Siegfried Goeschl
> PS : I have a look at the plugin tonight
> Stefano Fornari wrote:
>> Siegfried,
>> that would be great. I guess the first question I would answer is if
>> we need tu update BSF support. My vote is to use the previous version
>> of the script plugin when JSR223 is not available.
>> The changes I would like to do for now is to being able to specify
>> more files to be evaluated.
>> Ste

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