Well, I not so long ago began to pursue such an upstream battle.

I will say that had we implemented maven, a lot of problems would have
fallen away relating to a very inexperienced team considering what we were
trying to accomplish. Similar environment/architecture I think; WSAD,
Websphere, web applications. As I approached people trying to build
consensus, I found no one who really had the knowledge about maven to give
me more than a shrug and a "sounds cool". As I approached the subject in
meetings I found resistance, not very much related to maven. It was more
vented hostilities of a group of people frustrated by the vicious cycle of
defeatism corporate culture, which had fragmented the teams that needed to
work together if they expected to produce.
The real and honest responses to my lobbying for mavenizing our projects
during our "team" meetings probably would have sound something like;
"I have no idea what your talking about and probably never will, so I'm
against it",
"I don't like when you get more attention in meetings, I think I'll make a
negative comment now",
"Oh great this is going to be another something we have to learn",
"This idea didn't come from my group, I  so I'm going to shoot it down",
"That's not how 'we' do things, why is this guy always trying to fix what's
perfectly broken"
"I can barely do my job, now and this guy wants to add something"
"Sounds like this might do part of my job, how will I justify my position"
... (ok`lil cynical, but I don't think I'm too far off)

Basically, I realized that the group suffered much deeper issues than
Mavenizing our projects, even though it would have automated many things,
enforced (or an least reported on) coding consistency, saved lots of people
time in wheel-reinventing (if they actually spent 2 seconds on project
docs), alleviated build issues that we had based in lack of knowledge,
improved communication that wasn't happening, and even saved money and
improved quality, and productivity. The legitimate technical counter points
were: 1) I hadn't try Mavenide in wsad 5.0x, so IDE integration was a
question mark, 2) and we used some special preview technology for ejbql
optimization that someone claimed meant builds had to be done from within
the ide (I didn't follow up to see if the WAS5.x ant tasks would do it or

My experience from this case was the direction needed to come from the top
down. Had an IBM type or Accenture type consultant said "What... your NOT
using Maven" then I'm sure our management would have - rushed to find out
what Maven is, and then set the directive so everyone at least needed to
make some effort to learn more than the word "maven".

Retrospectively, I probably would have started with trying to get the
highest level managers on board by defining in dollars and cents why its
important, then made sure part of their commitment was to get some bundled
consulting & training from an outside party, preferably from someone close
to the maven project (like a maven committer and not a consultant that was
sourced by way of a fourth or fifth level vendor and billed through the
first level vendor.)

Sorry for the email's tone, but that was my experience so at least you can
benchmark against your corp culture. In a Six Sigma sort of culture the
above story would have a smashing success ending, but...alas no.
My two line response would have been:
- My opinion is that maven fits perfectly for corporate development with
tons of advantages.
- But, getting buy-in and dealing with your company culture are key to doing
it successfully.


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