Thanks for the help Baptiste.

That didn't work but -Darguments=-Pversion did.  Thanks for pointing
me in the right direction.


Jeremy Banks

Development Team Lead
Level 2
45 Tory Street
PO Box 19204
New Zealand

+64 21 686 986

On 23 February 2010 19:31, Baptiste MATHUS <> wrote:
> Hi Jeremy,
> The maven-release-plugin forks to do the release. So I think you have to use
> an additional -Dparameters="-Pversion" (See
> ).
> Be aware I'm not totally sure it will work for profiles since I never needed
> it, although I did a lot of releases with this plugin;
> Btw, shouldn't this profile be always on? Is there cases where you don't
> want to generate this file?
> Cheers.
> 2010/2/23 Jeremy Banks <>
>> Hi All
>> I've picked up a system set up by someone else and there's an aspect
>> of it that's not quite working properly, which I was hoping someone
>> may be able to help me with.
>> We're building a flex project using maven.  The project has 5 modules.
>> One of the modules has a profile that uses the maven-antrun-plugin to
>> copy a file and then substitute some properties in to it in the
>> generate-sources phase.  We are using it to insert the pom version and
>> an environment variable containing the subversion revision in to a
>> file that reports on the version of the software.
>> The module in question is building an swc which is a dependency in
>> some of the other modules.
>> What's happening is if I run compile or install or deploy in the
>> module in question then the file copy and substitution works.  If
>> however I call the release targets (i.e. "mvn release:prepare
>> release:perform -Dresume=false -P version") it doesn't work.
>> If I look at the release repository for the module itself and open up
>> the sources.jar I can verify that the substitution hasn't worked, as
>> the source file hasn't been updated.
>> So I guess my question is that in this case it appears that
>> generate-sources isn't being called as part of the release targets, is
>> this correct?  Any suggestions on how to make what is intended here
>> work?
>> Below is the section of the pom that performs the copy and substitution.
>> Regards
>> Jeremy Banks
>>  <profiles>
>>    <profile>
>>      <id>version</id>
>>      <build>
>>        <plugins>
>>          <plugin>
>>            <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
>>            <executions>
>>              <execution>
>>                <id>version</id>
>>                <phase>generate-sources</phase>
>>                <configuration>
>>                  <tasks>
>>                   <property name="project_basedir"
>> value="${project.basedir}" />
>>                    <property name="pom_version" value="${pom.version}" />
>>                    <property name="svn_revision"
>> value="${env.SVN_REVISION}" />
>>                    <copy
>> file="${project_basedir}/src/main/flex/net/.../VersionTemplate._as"
>> tofile="${project_basedir}/src/main/flex/net/.../"
>> overwrite="true" />
>>                    <replace
>> file="${project_basedir}/src/main/flex/net/.../"
>> token="%SVNVERSION%" value="${svn_revision}" />
>>                    <replace
>> file="${project_basedir}/src/main/flex/net/.../"
>> token="%SVNURL%" value="${pom_version}" />
>>                  </tasks>
>>                </configuration>
>>                <goals>
>>                  <goal>run</goal>
>>                </goals>
>>              </execution>
>>            </executions>
>>          </plugin>
>>        </plugins>
>>      </build>
>>    </profile>
>>  </profiles>
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> --
> Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS -
> Sauvez un arbre,
> Mangez un castor !

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