The assembly file should have actually said:

Typing error in the email... Still need help getting this to work. Thanks.

Tom Harris

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Harris 
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 5:56 PM
Subject: Including sibling module attachment inside another module artifact

Maven Users:

I have been searching for examples of how to make this work, but I must be 
missing something.

We have a multimodule project, along these lines:

|-  modules
    |- module1
         |- target
             |- module1-1.0.0-classifiername.jar
    |- module2
         |- WebRoot
              |- XXX

module1's output is two jar files, one the standard output, and the other the 
extra one defined with includes/excludes using the maven-jar-plugin and a 

What I want to do is include this attachment inside the module2 war artifact, 
under that XXX folder. The WebRoot folder is defined to be the staging area for 
the war artifact.

I have tried to use an assembly to do this, but it has no effect. The modules 
project defines this in its build plugins:


I put the classifiername.xml under the modules project in the src/assemble 
folder, and it contains:


But, when I run mvn clean install, the war file does not contain the file, and 
the build output never mentions it even tried to follow the instructions, no 
errors either. How do I get this to work?

This artifact is a special jar that gets deployed to clients via the web using 
Java Web Start, and this is a port of an existing project, so I cannot change 
the internal folder layout of the war.

(Names of the artifacts and projects have been changed to protect the innocent.)

Tom Harris

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