Ughhh... Never mind, all.  I found it:

mvn changes:announcement-generate -DgenerateJiraAnnouncement=true

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Ryan Connolly <> wrote:

> Hello again,
>      We have recently moved to JIRA and in doing so are very excited that
> we have been able to enable the jira-report provided by the
> maven-changes-plugin.  We were using the changes.xml method of tracking
> changes before this migration and using the announcement-mail goal at deploy
> time.  This worked great as the announcement included any changes listed in
> the changes.xml file.  Now that we have made the move to automatically track
> changes via the jira-report goal, I would like to ask this:  can the
> announcement-mail goal use the jira-report instead of the changes.xml file
> in order to list the changes that were made for the current release?  If
> not, is this something others would find useful?  I would be more than happy
> to contribute should others want this as well but am hoping there exists a
> way to include jira issues in the announcement-mail already.
> Thanks,
> -Ryan


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