I am new to Maven , I have a problem about splitting a project into modules
and combining them into WAR.

I first build a parent project , naming 'destiny' with a POM (packaging
'pom') , and create 3 modules (sub-projects) :

1st is destiny-core (packaging : jar) : pure POJOs
2nd is destiny-webapp-servlets (packaging : jar) : pure servlets , only
depends on javax.servlet , and core
3rd is destiny-wicket (packaging : jar) : wicket apps , depends on
apache-wicket , and core

The servlets and wicket both share the same web.xml , so I put the web.xml
in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml

I tried to execute maven war:war  in the 'destiny' dir , but Maven
complained it cannot find web.xml inside destiny-core .
Then I executed maven package , and got three jars : destiny-core.jar ,
destiny-webapp-servlets.jar , destiny-wicket.jar. This is not what I want
I need the three modules combined into one war , how to accomplish it ?
Thanks in advanced...

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