Has anyone gotten the Maven release plugin to work on Windows with a CVS 
SourceForge project.  I've been working on this all day and have made some 
progress but now I'm stuck.  In my POM, I have my SCM defined as:


I've used puttygen.exe to create a key and I have SSH_RSH set to use 

Running cvs commands from the command line works fine.

I then start the release project with:
C:\>mvn -Dmaven.scm.provider.cvs.implementation=cvs_native release:prepare
This actually works OK until it gets to the point where the plugin wants to 
checkin the new POM.  When it gets to this point it failes with the following 
error message:
[INFO] Checking in modified POMs...
>[INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "cvs -z3 -f -q commit -R -F 
>message7879987862192973151.txt pom.xml"
>[INFO] Working directory: C:\Apps\Workspace\ferris-assemblies
>[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>[INFO] Unable to commit files
>Provider message:
>The cvs command failed.
>Command output:
>cvs [commit aborted]: the :extssh: access method is not available on this 
I can't figure out why it's trying to use extssh now??  Anyone have any ideas??


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