Another question: what should be service releases be called?

1.0.sr1? 1.0-sr1? 1.0.1?


2010/3/23 Lóránt Pintér <>:
> At this point I cannot see why I would mix SNAPSHOT and final versions
> of my artifacts as dependencies. (This is a standalone product, the
> only things depending on it are our tools that create test databases
> etc.)
> Apart from this, is there any danger in using the 2) scheme, i.e.
> always having 1.0-SNAPSHOT as the development version?
> Also, if I want to release my milestone versions, what is the best way
> to name them? Options that spring to mind:
> 1) 1.0-m1, 1.0-rc1
> 2) 1.0-M1, 1.0-RC1
> 3) 1.0.m1, 1.0.rc1
> 4) 1.0.M1, 1.0.RC1
> And what shall I call the final version? 1.0? or 1.0.GA? How is Maven
> going to decide which is the never? Is it important?
> Lóránt
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 11:43, Jörg Schaible <> wrote:
>> Hi Lóránt,
>> Lóránt Pintér wrote at Dienstag, 23. März 2010 10:21:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am in doubt regarding what version numbers I should use for my
>>> product. There are two schemes I can think of right now:
>>> 1) 1.0-m1-SNAPSHOT -> 1.0-m1 -> 1.0-m2-SNAPSHOT -> 1.0-m2 ->
>>> 1.0-rc1-SNAPSHOT -> 1.0-rc1 ...
>>> 2) 1.0-SNAPSHOT -> 1.0-m1 -> 1.0-SNAPSHOT -> 1.0-m2 -> 1.0-SNAPSHOT ->
>>> 1.0-rc1 ...
>>> If I use the first solution, I can always tell by looking at even the
>>> SNAPSHOT version numbers what milestone we are getting towards.
>>> However, if I use the second version, my other products that depend on
>>> this product won't need to "upgrade" every time there is a new
>>> milestone release. This is a high maintenance, error-prone task that I
>>> would like to avoid.
>>> What do you suggest?
>> Definitely 1, because 1.0-SNAPSHOT is *always* the lowest version in this
>> scenario:
>> 1.0-SNAPSHOT < 1.0-rc1 < 1.0-rc2 < 1.0 < 1.0.1
>> i.e. the dependency resolution of Maven will never pick the SNAPSHOT if you
>> have the artifact in your transitive deps one time with the SNAPSHOT and one
>> time with a released version.
>> Background:
>> - Jörg
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