Am 15.04.2010 14:54, schrieb Jörg Schaible:
Hi Henrik,

Henrik Niehaus wrote:

Hi Maven users,

I'm having problems with two plugins, which both define a custom
packaging type. The packaging types are source-plugin and binary-plugin,
which are defined in a private maven plugin and warpath, which is
defined in the warpath plugin.

If I run the project with both plugins defined, only the first plugin
seems to be taken into account. E.g. if our private plugin is defined
above the warputh plugin, "source-plugin" and "binary-plugin" can be
resolved and "warpath" cannot be resolved. Same thing vice versa, if the
warputh plugin is defined above out plugin, "warpath" can be resolved,
"source-plugin" and "binary-plugin" not.

Plugins are defined this way:


Running the project with our plugin and without the warpath plugin works
and vice versa.
If I run the same configuration with maven 2.2.1, it works as expected.
Also the plugin order is irrelevant.

Is this a limitation of maven 2.0.*, or a bug or am I doing something
wrong? I'm lost with this problem. Any hints are appreciated.

Let me know, if some relevant information is missing.

Please look into the POMs of the plugins and tell whether they declare a
dependency to another plugin themselves. If yes, which ones?

- Jörg

Hi Jörg,

thanks for your answer. A colleague of mine seems to have better google skills than me and found ticket MNG-3506 a minute ago, which seems to be my problem. I have to wait until JIRA is back online to test the attached projects, but I think that is the problem.

Nevertheless here are the plugin dependencies:

warpath dependencies:
* org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:2.0.4
* org.apache.maven:maven-project:2.0.4
* org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:2.0.4
* org.apache.maven:maven-core:2.0.4
* org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:1.1
* org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:1.4.1
* junit:junit:${junit.version}:test
* maven-plugin-plugin (for reporting)

private plugin:
* org.apache.maven:maven-project:2.0.10
* org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:2.2
* ant:ant:1.6.5

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