Am 15.04.2010 16:51, schrieb Jörg Schaible:
Hi Henrik,

Henrik Niehaus wrote:

Am 15.04.2010 15:40, schrieb Jörg Schaible:
Hi Henrik,

Henrik Niehaus wrote:

Am 15.04.2010 14:54, schrieb Jörg Schaible:


Please look into the POMs of the plugins and tell whether they declare
a dependency to another plugin themselves. If yes, which ones?

- Jörg

Hi Jörg,

thanks for your answer. A colleague of mine seems to have better google
skills than me and found ticket MNG-3506 a minute ago, which seems to be
my problem. I have to wait until JIRA is back online to test the
attached projects, but I think that is the problem.

Nevertheless here are the plugin dependencies:

warpath dependencies:
* org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:2.0.4
* org.apache.maven:maven-project:2.0.4
* org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:2.0.4
* org.apache.maven:maven-core:2.0.4
* org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:1.1
* org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:1.4.1
* junit:junit:${junit.version}:test
* maven-plugin-plugin (for reporting)

private plugin:
* org.apache.maven:maven-project:2.0.10
* org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:2.2
* ant:ant:1.6.5

I'd expect such effects also from plugins that derive from other ones.
However, that's not the case here. As workaround for MNG-3506 you might
simply share a common parent POM (note, that does not have to be
physically located in a parent directory, but is an artifact on its own),
that declares both plugins in the depMgmt section.

Could you please describe this more detailed? Which artifacts have to
have a common parent pom with depMgmt section?

Sorry, I mean in this case the pluginMgmt section.

Typically you define one parent POM for your complete project where you use
the depenencyManagement section to define the versions (and standard scopes)
of all your dependencies and a pluginManagement section with all plugins
used in this project again with versions and configuration shared everywhere
they are in use. This project POM is directly or indirectly inherited by all
your POMs within this project. Then you do not have to define anywhere a
version for a plugin (well, not for the plugins in the report sections, but
that's a different story) or dependency.

In the pluginManagement section you will also define any additional
dependency for the individual plugins (e.g. custom tasks for the antrun-
plugin or additional wagon providers) and also set the extension flag for
the plugins with custom extensions. Remember, each plugin can be loaded only
once and the first activation will also define its classpath.

- Jörg

Ok, I have tried several combinations of parent and child pom, but nothing had an effect. I think, we have to use maven 2.2.1 for this project.

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