Hi everybody,

maven compiler plugin drives me crazy for the defaut-testCompile...

In a project I am using maven aspectj plugin, my whole source code is
under src/main/aspect and during the compile maven compiler plugin
correclty ignore this directory and compile only src/main/java.....

Now in test-compile phase, compiler plugin discovers the src/test/aspect
and wants to compile that also. This is a feature or bug I don't know
but I know there is possiblity of configuring excludes for the maven
compiler plugins and I did so, but no effect, whatever I do compiler
plugin goes to src/test/aspect and compiles before maven aspectj plugin
the src/test/aspect folder and crash.....

Only hack I can use, is to set -Dmaven.test.skip=true but that is beyond

Does anybody else experienced anything like this and know the solution
for it?

Thx for the answers...

I try this "compileSourceRoots" but it is not working , my guess is that
only exlcudes the things under compileSourceRoots (which has

                                                ensure that the compile
uses the same encoding as the file encoding of the *.java

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