I follow the step 3 and add a PayPal jar file in addition of placing the
settings.xml under the Maven installation directory
(apache-maven-2.2.1\conf). I can see the PayPal under 3re party at Nexus.
When I try the PayAl group name I given during the step stated above in
Eclipse of the project pom file, nothing shows up. How shall I resolve
this problem?

Also, I have tried to Artifact Upload from our project POM file on Nexus.
Only the project artifact is uploaded, but not those its dependences. I
don't know whether it is right or not.

<quote who="Tim O'Brien">
> 1. Install Nexus like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLskAeXivPg
> 2. Drop this into your ~/.m2/settings.xml
> http://www.sonatype.com/books/nexus-book/reference/maven-sect-single-group.html
> 3. Login into Nexus with admin/admin123, click on the 3rd party
> repository and upload your artifacts, here's the relevant section:
> http://www.sonatype.com/books/nexus-book/reference/using-sect-uploading-artifacts.html

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