There are two ways I usually solve this problem. The choice between
the two (for me) is usually a matter of how deep I want the testing to

In many cases, I use spring injection from my unit tests by combining
JUnit's @RunWith annotation and some Spring Annotations. Here is an
example -

    @ContextConfiguration(locations =
    public class StockInfoManagerTest {
            private GenericDao<CDOV_StockInfo,String> stockInfoDao;

This is mostly self-explanatory... However, I will mention that I
usually don't point to the same applicationContext.xml file that I
would use for production. In this case, I configure spring to
instantiate and talk to an hsqldb database. Then I can push stuff in
and then pull it back out to ensure that database operations complete

In many other cases, I prefer a "mocking" approach. Here is an example -

    public void executeTest() throws Exception {
        // setup the mock object
        final StockInfoManager stockInfoManager =

        // create expectations for mock object's execution
        context.checking(new Expectations() {{
            oneOf(stockInfoManager).getAll(); will(returnValue(new

What mocking does is create a proxy that records requested operations
and behaves the way you describe it. The advantage of mocking is that
you don't have to worry about fully populating dependencies, etc. If I
feel like the implementations that get wired in at production have
already been properly tested, then I will use mocking to test.

In my case, typically, I will fully test services by wiring them with
Spring and having them hit a test database (usually embedded like
hsqldb or derby). Then, once I am confident that the services do what
they advertise, I will unit test the user interface actions (Struts 2
actions, in my case), but injecting mocked services and work on making
sure that the actions operate the way I intend (by setting the mock's
expectations then interacting with the action the way I expect the
framework to call them).

Of course, this is really somewhat outside of the scope of a
maven-users list... If you want to get into the theory of good unit
testing, I think there are a few good books out there. Otherwise, just
get familiar with at least these two techniques and try to
consistently apply a set of practices that best tests your code (as
opposed to attempting to test each and every element of your
application's setup).


On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 9:15 AM, Dan King <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a webapp (sub)module that uses Spring's dependency injection; how 
> can/should I load the application context so I may run the unit tests for 
> this module?
> Once all the modules are complete, I will add them to the webapp as 
> "dependencies" and load the application context via the web container and 
> Spring's "ContextLoaderListener."
> -Dan
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Wes Wannemacher

Head Engineer, WanTii, Inc.
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