
in some cases, we're deploying webapps built as .war files manually to some application server, but in some structure, I'd like to, after install:install has finished, automatically unpack them to some given webapps folder for a local jetty installation for the sake of zipping / deploying the jetty+webapps as a whole.

At the moment, I am using a configuration like that...



... to get the job done, which works, but basically has the "flaw" that it generally and in any case creates a folder in jetty/webapps/ before building a .war file - which is not what I want as not each of our developers has a local jetty installation (in the same place) available. So to ask:

- How to tweak the configuration to have the webapp directory copied out from $PROJECT/target/ to some specialized folder after the war has been built?

- How to modify things to make this happen only if I run a given goal for that project (war:explode?) rather than happening automatically along with install:install?

TIA and all the best,

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