Am 12.05.2010 09:53, schrieb Stephen Connolly:
add an execution bound to the phase you want and put the configuration of
that execution in the execution.

Well, that's what I thought too, and I figured out that calling war:exploded actually does what I need, with one minor annoyance (which is what initially made me think): Having this configuration...




in pom.xml, maven does what I intend to do, but in this case, no matter whether using war:exploded or war:war, the webapp _always_ is built in the specified <webappDirectory>. What I want it to do, however, is to build the webapp (and eventually the .war file) in ${project.home}/target/ as it does by default and _then_, using war:exploded, unpack the war file to some specified folder outside ${project.home}. So far I failed, however, at configuring maven-war-plugin for right this behaviour in case of war:exploded being explicitely called... :/


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