There is something of a best practice of avoiding the aggregation
feature of the javadoc plugin, in favor of:

1) create source artifacts for each dependency
2) use dependency plugin to unpack the source artifacts into 'one big tree'
3) run the javadoc plugin on the result tree to produce aggregate javadoc.

This is used at Apache CXF, amongst other places.

On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 10:03 AM, Jason Voegele <> wrote:
> I am trying to generate Javadocs for a project that is conceptually an
> aggregate of several other projects. I am using the information from
> this page as a guide:
> That page indicates that you can use the includeDependencySources option
> to have the Javadoc plugin download the source JARs for dependencies and
> include them in the sources against which Javadocs are generated.
> However, I am unable to get it to work.  The Javadoc plugin does indeed
> recognize this option, which I can ascertain by the fact that if source
> JARs for any dependencies are not available it fails with an error.
> I have tried using both dependencySourceExcludes and
> dependencySourceIncludes, but no matter how I craft these options the
> Javadocs for dependencies are never included.  When I execute mvn
> javadoc:jar, for example, I receive a bunch of messages on the terminal
> indicating that Maven is trying to download javadoc resources but source
> JARs for dependencies are not downloaded and the generate Javadoc does
> not include dependency sources.
> Here is how I have configured the Javadoc plugin in my POM:
>  <plugin>
>    <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>    <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId>
>    <version>2.7</version>
>    <configuration>
>        <includeDependencySources>true</includeDependencySources>
> <includeTransitiveDependencySources>false</includeTransitiveDependencySources>
>        <dependencySourceIncludes>
> <dependencySourceInclude>org.terracotta.toolkit:*</dependencySourceInclude>
>        </dependencySourceIncludes>
>    </configuration>
>  </plugin>
> I've attached the complete POM for your perusal, in case you might find
> that information helpful, and the output of the mvn javadoc:jar command
> is also available here:
> Is this a bug in the Javadoc plugin, or am I somehow using it
> incorrectly?
> Thanks for any help you can provide.
> --
> Jason Voegele
> No matter who you are, some scholar can show you the great idea you had
> was had by someone before you.
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